Raw Exporter
Raw Exporter utility batch exports image files stored in RAW format into jpeg file formats. It automates RawTherapee application in doing so - so actually it is capable of converting all file formats supported by RawTherapee which are following file formats: 3fr, arw, cr2, crf, crw, dcr, dng, fff, iiq, jpg, jpeg, kdc, mef, mos, mrw, nef, nrw, orf, pef, png, raf, raw, rw2, rwl, rwz, sr2, srf, srw, tif, tiff.
Main purpose of Raw Exporter application is to once set up application and then by click of one button automatically export all new image files. It is possible to set up storage limit so if exported files exceed that limit older ones are deleted. This feature is designed to support storage limited devices - e.g. export only new RAW files for review on a tablet.
Installation package can be downloaded here.
First time application is started it is necessary to provide installation path to RawTherapee by clicking on Directory button:
Next step is to create export definition which tells from which directory into where with what settings files are going to be exported. This is done by clicking on Add
export definition button and provide all necesarry details:
Export definition parameters are following:
Export name - name that will be shown in the list of export definitions
Source Directory - directory from which files supported by RawTherapee will be exported
Export Directory - directory in which resulting jpeg files will be stored
Limit Export - if checked it is possible to set maximum size of exported files, if exported files exceed this limit older ones will be deleted
Include side car PP3 files in processing - when processing files by RawTherapee if there is side car pp3 file present for transformed file it will be used
Custom PP3 - if selected it is possible to select pp3 file that will be applied to all transformed files
List of RawTherapee presets - when Custom PP3 is not checked, it is possible to select built in RawTherapee preset that will be applied to all transformed files
JPEG Quality - JGEG quality of resulting file
Resize Mode - None or Long Edge, when Long Edge it is possible to set dimension of longer edge for shrinking image (image is not enlarged)
Narrow files into output directory - when checked all resulting files are copied into Export Directory without structure (e.g. useful when transforming files onto tablet), if unchecked directory structure is maintained as in Source Directory
There can be specified multiple export definition.
Export can be started by clicking on Run exports button.