Media Catalog



Media catalog is an application useful for cataloging various media such as CD-ROM disks, hard drives, mapped network drives, etc. With this application you can load the content of the media and later you can browse this content offline (content means directory structure, not content of files). Application files basic information about files and folders such as size, date of modification, creation date, ...

Very useful and innovative feature of Media Catalog application is possibility of searching the content with the regular expression so the search is very flexible to user demands. 

Media catalog enables also scanning the content of some types of archives, in present version it is possible to scan following archives:

Application has two internationalizations English and Czech, by default there is used English.

Media Catalog application is suitable for cataloging rather smaller number of medias - hundreds thousands of files.  Application is not using any relational database and the data is stored in the RAM memory of the computer.

Minimum requirements:

Download installation files here.


Known anomalies:


The main window after loading of a catalog:

Searching with regular expressions is fun: